Thursday, November 10, 2005

Saudi books aim to divide U.S. Muslims, ‘infidels,’ Congress told

The government of Saudi Arabia is distributing books and pamphlets across the United States in an effort to recruit American Muslims to an international struggle against Christians and Jews, the director of a religious freedom organization told the Senate Judiciary Committee Nov. 8.

In one instance, a booklet distributed by the Saudi Embassy in Washington offers instructions on how to “build a wall of resentment” between Muslims and infidels, said Nina Shea, director of the Center for Religious Freedom.

Among the book’s directives: “Never greet the Christian or Jew first. Never congratulate the infidel on his holiday. Never befriend an infidel unless it is to convert him. Never imitate the infidel. Never work for an infidel,” Shea quoted during a committee hearing.

Read the whole article in Army Times.

And this is the “friendly” side of the religion of peace… (By the way, “Islam” does not mean “peace” in the usual sense – it means “submission.”

[Arabic 'islm, submission, from 'aslama, to surrender, resign oneself, from Syriac 'alem, to make peace, surrender, derived stem of slem, to be complete; see slm in Semitic roots.] Courtesy of Free Dictionary.