Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Study finds live-in boyfriend puts kids at risk

Least surprising headline of the year
Young children who live with their mothers' boyfriends or other unrelated adults are 48 times more likely to die from child abuse, a study has found.

"It is not single parenthood per se that puts a child at risk," said co-author Dr. Bernard Ewigman of the University of Chicago. "It is the presence in the household of unrelated adults, usually a male boyfriend, that dramatically increases the risk."

The study is published today in the journal Pediatrics.
(Whole article here.)

But we all know that families come in all sorts of different styles. One kind of family isn’t any better than any other kind of family, right?

Everybody seems to think that our ancestors were just superstitious primitives enslaved by tradition. Now we moderns, being smarter than all previous generations, can finally liberate ourselves from these repressive restrictions.

Even if you don’t believe the old rules about living came from God – even if you are a committed atheist – don’t you think there was a reason people lived by the rules they did? “Liberation” just seems to free us from the ways humans have found to survive as viable societies. “The wages of sin is death” isn’t a threat from the Divinity, it’s a warning – similar to “the wages of jumping off this cliff is death.”