Sunday, October 16, 2005

Hilarious website of the week

When you really need a night away from home

“Hello and thank you for visiting the world's only website dedicated to infant and child confinement solutions. We are proud to announce that we have just sold our 10,000 baby cage!! Thank you so much for you business. In celebration of this historical event, we ask that you send us any photos you have of your child using any of the BabyCage products. We plan to make a baby cage photo gallery where you can show off your beautiful children.”

Any new parents out there should check out It would also be a great solution for small parishes that don't have the space or funding to set up a separate cry room. Perhaps, if this company is successful, it could produce similar containment devices for bishops.

On a more serious note, we actually did use a baby leash on occasion when Beloved-but-Expensive Daughter was but a wee thing. There was nothing even remotely traumatic about it, and it was a blessing when making those runs between gates at crowded airports for the obligatory Christmas visits. Only now that she’s 21 and beautiful, do I regret that I never purchased a travel cage. They probably don’t have a large enough size, I’m afraid. I really do need to get her that concealed carry permit this summer…