Thursday, January 05, 2006

High Schoolers are Pro-Life

A new national poll finds high school seniors take a pro-life position on abortion saying it's morally wrong and supporting legislative proposals that would limit abortions and help women find alternatives. The poll also found 72 percent of females in the class of 2006 would not consider an abortion if they became pregnant.

[…] When asked, some 67 percent of high school seniors said abortion is either always (23%) or usually (44%) morally wrong. Just 31 percent said it was a morally correct decision.

How can one find this surprising? These kids are not stupid; they know that their parents could have offed them for no greater reason than personal expedience with the full approval of the law and society. A staggering number of their potential classmates simply aren't there; they were disposed of as medical waste. Do we think they don't know that?

Slightly less than half of the teens polled said abortions should be allowed when a woman is under 18 and unmarried or when the baby will have a serious birth defect. Just 40 percent said abortions should be allowed for poor women and only 29 percent said abortions should be allowed when a woman doesn't want more children.

Some 72 percent of teen girls say they would not consider an abortion and, of all high school seniors, just 13 percent would counsel a pregnant friend to consider an abortion. Some 54 percent of seniors say they would suggest adoption and 26 percent say they would encourage a pregnant friend to keep her baby.

Meanwhile, 69 percent of the male teens surveyed said they would not want their partner to consider an abortion.

In other words, they still have some ideals and standards and haven’t been hooked by the temptations of individual autonomy, greed, and expedience.

[…] On whether abortions should be legal or illegal, the poll find females were slightly more inclined to oppose legal abortions. White teens were more pro-life than blacks, which contradicts polls of adults on the issue.

This seems to back up what I’ve always believed to be true. The primary purpose of abortion is to get guys off the hook. When a woman is convinced that her body is exclusively her own, that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, and that she can kill her child to advance her career, the real benefactors are the young men who no longer have to bite the bullet and provide support for their kids. The Wilt Chamberlains of the world can bed 20,000 women and never have to be fathers.

Evangelical Christians were much more likely to oppose abortion than teens from Catholic of mainline Protestant backgrounds. High school seniors with non-Christian religious views were overwhelmingly in favor of abortions.

Hence the big push to remove religion from kids when they get to the university. (Don’t tell me the agenda doesn’t exist – I’ve worked at one for 26 years. I’ve heard it.) In the USA, “non-Christian religious views” pretty much means atheists, agnostics, and New Agers. There aren’t that many practicing, orthodox Hindus out there. Dechristianizing the kids is the surest way to convert them from pro-life to pro-choice, and abortion-on-demand is the defining political goal for the secularists.

What, after all, does Satan really want? Does he care whether the USA stands or falls, or what economic system we use? Does he give a rat’s rear end about social security reform? What he wants is to dim that spark of God-light within us, until we walk gently, smiling , polite, and utterly clueless, straight into the gates of Hell. He comes as an angel of light, not as a ravener. What better tool does he have than to pervert our ideas of human love by decoupling them from the human product of that love. “Love” that produces inward gratification without bearing external fruit is not the love of God.

[…] According to the poll two-thirds of high school seniors would require parental consent before a girl under 18 could get an abortion.

The children themselves know that there are things they are not ready for; that they are not just miniature adults with acne. When will the supposed adults of our society figure that out.

Sociology students at Hamilton College, in conjunction with the Zogby International polling firm, surveyed 1,000 high school seniors by phone and the survey has a 3 percent margin of error.
(Read the whole article from

Sorry for the rant; sometimes I just plain get pissed off. Now where did I leave that rosary?