Friday, December 02, 2005

Jewish Group Condemns Anti-Christian War on Christmas

A group of Jewish Americans says its members are fed up with the war being waged against Christmas. Yesterday, at a National Press Club gathering in Washington, the group's president, Don Feder, voiced his organization's feelings when he declared, "Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation is here today to say, 'Enough already. If you're offended by a municipal Christmas tree or Santa Claus in a holiday parade or a manger in a park, get over it.'"

Feder went on to say that banning the word "Christmas" and other references to Jesus makes no sense in the United States. "This is an overwhelmingly Christian nation, and it's a matter of simple courtesy to acknowledge a holiday celebrated by 96 percent of the American people," he asserted.

(Read the whole thing here.)

Thank you, Mr. Feder, and may yhe God of Abraham bless you! If only Christians had as much commitment to principle, we'd all be better off. It is a sad commentary that Christian rights in America have to be defended by Jews and Muslims, because Christians no longer have the spine to defend themselves.