Many women victim of 'gendercide,' study finds
There is a shortfall of some 200 million women in the world -- "missing' due to what a three-year study on violence against women calls "gendercide."
The number of what the study describes as 'missing' women is based on the random birthrate of males and females and how many fewer women there are than what would be expected in the world population, said Theodor Winkler, head of a research center that directed the project.
Winkler told a news conference at the United Nations on Thursday that gender-related abortions and infanticides were the leading causes for the shortfall in the female population. Another factor was domestic violence, including so-called honor killings in some cultures.
Read the whole article here.
The law of unintended consequences strikes again. What was (and still is) touted as a great blow for the liberation of women from the shackles of biology and male chauvinism turns out to b killing them off. How can anybody really be surprised at this?
The cult of Abortion is interesting in that – in some ways – it can be compared to offbeat sects like the Shakers or the Albigensians or the Syrian Gnostics. Those sects required celibacy, and could therefore grow only by recruitment. The Abortion Cult is biologically infertile, and also grows through recruitment. Although it is, strictly speaking, not sterile (Abortionites can still have children if they want them), the internal drive for self-gratification and the social pressures of the cult itself drive them to reproduction rates far below replacement. (All the countries of Eastern and Western Europe, with the possible exception of Albania have below-replacement fertility. The only source of population growth is immigration. Canadians are not replacing themselves; neither are white Americans.)
In the Third World, the effect is somewhat different. Although fertility rates are falling, they are generally still high. But the populations are being skewed towards a demographic imbalance with too many guys and not enough girls. In our fallen world, I can only think of one consequence to that condition – population rebalancing through endless, unremitting war and violence.
Solutions to the “gender imbalance” problem have been suggested – generally involving either the governmental subsidy of female children or the outlawing of sex-based abortions. The latter is not just hard to enforce; it is darkly hysterical in its hypocrisy. A woman’s right to choose is inviolable, but only as long as the choice is made for what other women think is the correct reason.
Neither solution addresses the cult’s underlying difficulty, however. Someday, simply by saturation of the market, recruitment of new members will dry up. Ultimately, the Abortionites will select themselves out of the population, unless they can come up with a solution to their self-extinction problem. Their is a certain Darwinian irony to the whole thing.
God will indeed not be mocked - not because He will directly smite us in wrath, but simply because it is, in the final analysis, not possible for us to successfully do so.
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