The Modern Episcopalian Unitarian
I found the following little ditty on the website of a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Ottawa, Canada (tip of the gimme cap to The Clam Rampant). It seems to apply just as well to the Episcopal Church, any number of other mainline Protestant churches in the USA, and to a naumber of (thankfully aging and slowly disappearing) Catholic groups in the West. So many churches have become little more than High-Church Unitarians - it's sad. I'm reminded of the Bishop on the bus from hell in Lewis's The Great Divorce, who is far more concerned with his own internal philosophizing than with actiually finding the Truth.
I am the Very Model of a Modern Unitarian
by Christopher Gist Raible
Sung to "I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" from "Pirates of Penzance".
I am the very model of a modern Unitarian,
Far broader than a Catholic, Hindu, Jew or Presbyterian.
I know the world’s religions and can trace their roots historical
From Moses up to Channing, all in order categorical.
I’m very well acquainted, too, with theories theological,
On existential questions I am always wholly logical,
About most any problem I am teeming with a lot of views,
I’m full of fine ideas that should fill our church’s empty pews.
(Chorus members:
We’re full of fine ideas that should fill our church’s empty pews.
We’re full of fine ideas that should fill our church’s empty pews.
We’re full of fine ideas that should fill our church’s empty empty pews.)
I quote from Freud and Jung and all the experts psychological.
I’m anti nuke, I don’t pollute I’m chastely ecological.
In short, in matters spiritual, ethical, material,
I am the very model of a modern Unitarian.
(Chorus members:
In short, in matters spiritual, ethical, material,
We are the very model of a modern Unitarian.)
I use the latest language; God is never Father or the Lord,
But Ground of Being, Source of Life or almost any other word.
I never pray, I meditate, I’m leary about worshipping.
I serve on 10 committees none of which accomplish anything.
I give to worthy causes and I drive a gas conserving car,
I have good UU principles (although I’m not sure what they are).
I’m open to opinions of profound or broad variety,
Unless they’re too conservative or smack of righteous piety.
(Chorus members:
Unless they’re too conservative or smack of righteous piety.
Unless they’re too conservative or smack of righteous piety.
Unless they’re too conservative or smack of righteous pie-piety.)
I formulate agendas and discuss them with the best of ‘em,
But don’t ask me to implement, we leave that to the rest of ‘em.
In short in matters spiritual, ethical, material,
I am the very model of today’s religious liberal.
(Chorus members:
In short, in matters spiritual, ethical, material,
We are the very model of today’s religious liberal.)