Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Choice on Earth, bad will towards men

Planned Parenthood has their new line of 2005 Holiday Cards on sale, repeating the “Choice on Earth” message from last year.

It’s bad enough that these cards express support for killing children removal of unwanted fetal tissue masses. What is really scary about these Holiday Cards, especially at this particular season, is the twisted world view they express.

You and I celebrate the entrance of God into His creation and the promise of a restored and healed world. For us, the focus of the season (at least in our better moments) is on God’s choice and our dependence. For PP, the celebration seems to be revolve around claiming absolute autonomy for ourselves. The focus is on our choice and our independence.

This choice is only an echo of that first choice made from eternity by Lucifer, son of the morning, to claim his independence of The One. Thrown from heaven, he is still bound as a creature to the material world of men. His uncontrolled will draws all those who would make the same choice. The illusion of personal autonomy he gives is a vapor; there are, in the final analysis, only two wills: God’s will, or the will of the Evil One. On the one hand, the Evil One will brook no autonomy but his own – he will bend our wills to his will; on the other hand, in the end only God’s will is done. As created beings, the only real, permanent freedom we can possibly have is found in God’s choice – the gift of sharing of His divine life with those who will accept it. Real freedom and independence are attributes of the Divine, only He can give them, because outside of Him they do not exist. The only independence outside the will of God is the independence of the damned.

So there really is one choice on earth, and I suspect that the authors of these cards know, in the depths of their hearts, exactly what that choice truly is. Their support for abortion angers me, but their choice really frightens me. It’s the oldest choice of all, and it scared Moses a bit as well.

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. (Deu 30:19, NIV)