Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Texas, West Texas Voted for New Presiding Bishop

The two local Episcopal Dioceses (we live right on the border) are the Diocese of Texas and the Diocese of West Texas. According to Brad Drell, who got it from arch-revisionist Louie Crew (aka Quaen Lutibelle), at the recent General Convention, both the lay and clerical delegates of these dioceses voted in favor of the election of Ms. Jefferts-Schiori as Presiding Heresiarch Bishop.

There are a lot of people I love in ECUSA, but I'm glad I'm gone.
Anyone in Central Texas who's looking for a new place to worship, see "Austin Churches Worth a Visit!" in the sidebar. I will continue to plug them periodically. Outside of the Austin area, I suggest you go to to find a growing list of orthodox and traditional churches.